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Madison Pogarch: Embracing Identity and Advocacy in Utah

Madison Pogarch, a standout player for the Utah Royals, is not only making waves on the field but also leaving a significant impact off it. Known for her advocacy within the LGBTQ+ community, Madison, affectionately referred to as “Po”, recently shared her personal journey and upcoming fundraising efforts in an exclusive interview.

Embracing Identity

Po’s journey to self-discovery wasn't straightforward. Raised in a conservative town with limited diversity, she found conforming to societal, orthodox norms and expectations as the only option. It wasn't until she relocated to Portland in 2019 that she started to experience a cultural shift, embracing a more inclusive environment that allowed her to begin to explore her true identity.

"I think it took me probably quite some time," Po reflected. "I grew up in a pretty small, conservative town where there wasn't much diversity in terms of sexuality or color. Moving to Portland in 2019 was a big culture change for me. It was so inclusive, and that really helped me be myself and start to discover things about myself I had never realized before."

Madison also credits her partner, also a professional soccer player, for helping her embrace her identity fully. "When my partner joined the team in 2020, I realized I had feelings for her that were more than just a mere friendship," Madison explained. "It was a pivotal moment in accepting myself, especially coming from a Catholic and religious background where such feelings were challenging to reconcile.”

Meaning of "Pride"

For Madison, "Pride" goes beyond just visibility; It is about normalizing sexuality and advocating for mental health within the LGBTQ+ community. "A big part of it for me is letting people know they can be whoever they want and don’t have to fit in a box," she emphasized. "You can love who you love without conforming to stereotypes or changing anything about yourself."

Discussing the mental health aspect, Po highlighted the struggles of reconciling personal beliefs with her evolving identity. "Growing up religious made it challenging," she admitted. “And that can be really complicated especially when you consider the core values and morals that you grew up with and having to then challenge all that in your later life. That’s why supporting mental health initiatives like Encircle is crucial because they provide a safe space for LGBTQ+ youth to navigate these complex thoughts and challenges."

Fundraiser for Encircle

Madison's commitment to advocacy extends beyond words. On June 26th, she and her partner will host a fundraiser at Han's Kombucha in Salt Lake City, partnering with Encircle—a nonprofit supporting LGBTQ+ youth and families in Utah.

"We've already raised nearly $1,500!" Po shared enthusiastically. "The event will feature a trivia night with Royals and pride-themed prizes. It's a chance for the community to come together, have fun, and support a vital cause."

With my move to Utah this year,” she continued. “I feel this is a big opportunity for me also to get acquainted with the community and start to get more involved in it however I can.

Choosing Han's Kombucha, a women's and queer-owned space, was also intentional for Madison. "It's important to showcase inclusive environments," she explained. "And Han's Kombucha aligns perfectly with our values of community and acceptance."

Mental health and queer youth are such crucial factors, and when my partner and I were searching for places to support, we felt Encircle really embody these values. Many kids may be displaced from their homes, don’t feel welcome there since coming out, or are going through and questioning themselves, and they need to know there's a space for them at Encircle to be in a similar community with people who identify just as they do. I think it's beautiful to know that you're not by yourself, and I think If I had known about that when I was a kid, I probably would have been more accepting of myself and not had to go through so much in my later life,” Po emotionally concluded.

Goals and Message

Madison's primary goal for the fundraiser is to raise awareness as well as provide financial support to Encircle. "They offer therapy, meals, and a supportive community for LGBTQ+ youth," she says. "Every donation helps extend their reach and impact."

To fans and supporters, Madison sends a heartfelt message: "I'm grateful for everyone who supports us and celebrates inclusivity in soccer. 'No sides, just love'—that's the message I want to promote. Let's create a safe and welcoming environment where everyone can thrive."

Balancing Advocacy and Athletics

Balancing her advocacy work with professional soccer isn't easy, but Madison finds fulfillment in both realms. "Advocacy keeps me grounded," she explains. "It's not just about playing soccer; it's about making a difference in people's lives off the field."

As Madison continues to excel in her career with the Utah Royals, her dedication to advocacy remains steadfast. "It's about watering all facets of my identity," she concluded. "Advocacy enriches my life and enhances my performance as an athlete."

Madison Pogarch's journey from self-discovery to advocacy exemplifies courage and resilience. Her upcoming fundraiser with Encircle underscores her commitment to supporting LGBTQ+ youth and promoting inclusivity in Utah. As she prepares for the event, Madison invites the community to join her in making a positive impact and celebrating diversity.