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Quote Sheet: Real Salt Lake 0-3 FC Dallas


Real Salt Lake
Head Coach Mike Petke

On going down 3 minutes in with the PK:
“Very difficult and that penalty wasn’t a penalty, but it doesn’t matter what I think. They called it.”

On the game plan and switching the game plan:
“Well, we had eighty-seven minutes left so it wasn’t time to change the game plan or anything. To be quite honest, the game plan wasn’t working even before the penalty kick. You could just see, you could just sense. So, I didn’t prepare them well enough this week. I have to prepare them better next week going into New England. That is what it comes down to.”

What wasn’t working?
“I didn’t prepare them well enough. I didn’t prepare them well enough. I should have amped up practice more this week. I should have been more clear on certain things and that is what it comes down to. I am not taking one for the team, that is the way I look at it. You know there are things that we talked about that were done in slow movements and slow transition. Comes down on me.”

Distance shots your plan or the players opening up:
“We didn’t do enough shooting practice this week and that is why we weren’t on target. I know it sounds funny, that is the way I look at it. I don’t know what else to say, you know. The last three games, I didn’t even look at the stats right now. I have become a big stat guy the last three games because we have lost the last three games. I immediately look at the stats and we have outshot opponents, we have outpossessed opponents here and there, but we don’t win. So, I think the next game I come up with a game plan that is very boring. You know, and we sit at the top of the eighteen-yard box and look to counter. Just searching here.”

On frustrations from the match:
“I am very frustrated right now, I am very angry right now, I am disgusted right now and I am trying to figure out a way, without being cliché to put it on myself.  Because at the end of the day, I am the coach and it has to fall on me.  I am thinking about the last five weeks, that the transition from a coach that has been here for a while, and a way that they have been, and certain characteristics and culture that has been. I keep saying that I am doing step, step, step, and perhaps I am doing too much. Perhaps I am putting too much on that, to be honest with you. So, I don’t know how to answer your questions right now. I guess that is my main point, in the frame of mind I am in. So, will you ask it one more time, I’m sorry.”

On how to improve the final ball:
“Well I think in transition it has to be quicker, now that it is clear in my head here. I think our transition was extremely slow and I think again, to go back to practice this week, we worked a lot in the beginning of the week on runs behind their center backs and we watched Dallas play the last couple of games. Their center backs are very good, but very aggressive, and they get dragged out and if we could play penetrating balls to lay back and have Yura spin in and get behind them, but it was way too slow tonight. In practice this week it was good but I go back that it falls on me because perhaps I didn’t talk enough about the energy of the game and starting off strongly and taking it to them and we’re home. Perhaps I didn’t do that enough, but you talk about final third balls and penetrating balls and balls being delivered and we have quality up there. We have a guy, Yura, who has played in Russia who scored so many goals. We have Albert who is our DP, who’s so talented. We have Brooks and Bofo who are leaving tomorrow for the U-20 World Cup and have the energy and talent that every 19-year-old in their position should. We have Luke behind them, who was possibly the one guy who worked his ass off tonight consistently. So, back to this week about pushing that final third, penetrating balls, having guys that have the guts to do it.”

On changing formation:
“We don’t have a formation right now. I literally continued the formation that has been played. I was literally continuing the formation that was before me and which I have played before. That is not my preferred formation, you know.  Going on the road next week and going to New England across the country. Have a lot of guys that are out of play. On turf and then we have a mid-week game. I doubt we are going to go out and press a team and we are going to play with this 4-3-2-1, or 4-1 whatever the hell it is. We are going to play differently because we are going to have to.”

On getting Maund back:
“We are getting a healthy player back.  I think it was tough on our two center backs tonight, it was Aaron’s first real minutes in a long, long, time and Justin is a rookie. I think there were some things they did well and there was a lot of learning tonight from the center back position. We are going to talk to them about that and clean some stuff up.”

Defender Chris Wingert

On the result:
“We need that belief. It’s hard when you put yourself in a hole right off the bat. We knew it was going to be a tough challenge anyway and then you start the game down 1-0, we know we’re chasing it again. And then, once we start to chase it, we do create chances, but unfortunately we’re unable to tie the game up. Eventually, they bury another one, and then we’re really chasing it. Same as the past couple games, we let up one at the end.”

On how to turn this string of games around:
“Getting the result, and I know that sounds obvious - the only way I know how. The results take care of themselves. Meaning, you got to work on the details. You can talk until you’re blue in the face to say ‘We need a win,’ or ‘We need a shutout.’ No kidding. You have to work hard every day and focus on the details so you can come away with the desired result. That’s going to be no different on the road this week in Boston. Everybody has got to take care of their bodies as best they can.  We have to put in good work in over the next few days and prepare for New England. It’s a long season. Obviously we’re going to go over some of the mistakes we made, but after that we need to move on and there’s no time to feel bad for ourselves.”

On Mike Petke’s post match comments:
“That’s the type of guy Mike is. He’s going to put it on himself. But the fact is that we certainly don’t feel like that as the players. I don’t want to speak for everybody, but we know we’ve got to raise the level. We’re not playing good enough to win games. The only way I know how to get out of a rut is to work hard, keep working hard, putting it in every day. We need that effort from anybody and everybody on the squad. We’re a little thin right now. There’s no time to feel sorry for yourself. Everybody that is called upon needs to give 100%. Hopefully we can get some guys healthy and get a good result on the road, which would be encouraging. Hopefully we can carry the momentum into next week.”

Forward Sebastian Saucedo

On the pace of the game:
“We just have to attack the goal quicker. Find opportunities quicker. The movement wasn’t there. The final pass wasn’t there and that’s what we needed to score a goal. Other than that, we just need to work on defensive work and having a good block together as a team. Soccer is a game of up-and-downs, a rollercoaster. We’re going to go through it and that’s alright, but we’ll get through this.”

On the first goal:
“It was a soft call. First call and it’s a handball in the box. I think the ref should’ve let that go. It’s a tackle, and I think his hand is left back. I think it’s a soft call for the first call of the game.

On what needs to happen to overcome the frustration:
“It’s pretty frustrating. Everyone, the players, is coming and working hard. I give credit to everyone for showing up and trying to get better every day. I think what we have to do is build on each other and pull each other out. Motivate each other because we know we’re capable of doing big things in the league.”

FC Dallas
Head Coach Oscar Pareja

On the game tonight:
I thought we had a very important game tonight to come in here in Rio Tinto and to get three points is priceless.  First of all I want to congratulate all that the boys have done today during the game.  Getting the job done and the win that was important.  The way that we did, I thought, makes us a success.  In the first half we didn’t have too many options but we were efficient in the way we started the half.  When we lead in the game, Salt Lake around 22 minutes in the first half started getting some options and we had space in behind of our midfielders and that started to complicate things.  In the second half we tried to adjust that clog in the middle.  Attackers came in the game and helped us and gave us a hand there.  We controlled the middle and started to get options.  That way, I have to say, was a very tactical game for us.  The boys knew how to win it and we were rewarded with the points and the goals.

On Urruti’s Performance:
“With Maxi I think it is about confidence that he is getting, and his health and understanding that he is a guy that is creating a lot of chances.  We worked in the week with him especially mentally, making him understand that he can score every game if he has that confidences.  He creates options, the team creates options for him, so for me just seeing Maxi getting those goals is great.  Knowing that defensively he just keeps battling and being our best defender from the first play.  And that is why he is a complete player.”

On FC Dallas this year vs. last year:
We always hoped that the team evolves, and we always hope every year we can add things.  As coaches we always see different way to different holes and different ways to get better.  But I think, obviously, the team is being better, and more mature.  The anxiousness, that sometimes was a part of the team last year, I think we are getting overcome with that.  And I can see the boys are taking the game more and more smart. And that is important.”

On the team’s evolution:
One of the priorities we have this year is to get defensively stronger.  We understand that FC Dallas in the last three years, since we started this program, offensively we have been very aggressive we have very good numbers going forward.  This team naturally is good forward, but we want to be strong defensively and getting more games when we have our 1-0 and that has given the boys confidence.  It is important to keep the balance but when you go on the road and you score 3 goals and no conceded there is nothing more that you can ask for.”

On the decision not to play Javier Morales:
You know what it was in our plans, not just because I wanted to make an emotional moment for Javi.  I want to bring him into the game because the only reason is he is going to help us.  And that is the way I respect Javi, we all respect Javi.  He gets in the field for a purpose and he understands that, he is a very mature player.  At the end, and even in the 1st half that he could come and help us just to handle the ball better, it was different circumstances in the game where we wanted him in the field but we just chose to go with another player.  Javi has just given us that, and I know everybody was waiting for Javi to come into the field.   We were aiming to bring him in as well and not for the reason to bring him in so late but just that he can help us like he always does.”

Defender Matt Hedges

On the importance of having a strong start:
“I think we needed a strong start in this game, because we had a few slow ones in the last couple games, you know getting the penalty in the first couple of minutes was good for us and we took the lead. We had a poor first half. We didn’t have much of the ball, we gave it away a lot. It was good to have that lead going into half time though and getting our confidence up in the second half and everybody start pushing and we could get some counter attacks.”

On keeping the clean sheet:
“I was looking for the clean sheet when we go on the road, especially, because like stoppage goals on road, so that’s our mission when we go on the road, to get that clean sheet and we’re happy with it. We gave up too many shots I think, but other than that good.”

On getting the second goal:
“We needed to get that second one, I mean it was a little bit later than we had hoped, but it was good to relieve that pressure, because we could kind of sit back a little more and then try to counter and we had a few good chances after that. Me and Coleman had another breakaway and Maxi had his goal, so I think that helped us a lot.”

Midfielder Javier Morales

On his experience coming back to Salt Lake:
“That was nice especially because I saw a lot of friends out in the stadium, on the field, off the field, so the fans that was great, but I didn’t have the opportunity to play, so a little sad for that.”

On needing to go for the 3 points:
“I don’t know that was the plan, but you know like I said, this could be my last game at Rio Tinto, so maybe I could have the opportunity to play, but the coach decided not to play me and I understand this is for the team and not the player and I had to move on.”

On seeing old teammates again:
“It was nice to see them Bofo, Kyle, Plata, everyone. I have good relationship with all the guys. Like I said, I’m happy to come here and to play against them, but I didn’t play, but I was happy to see them.”

On his emotions being here again:
When I went out for the first time for the warm up, that was a little tough. A lot of people there and that was nice. I knew before that it could be emotional, and it was.”

On the pregame where he was presented with a jersey:
“Yeah they gave me a jersey, the pictures. It’s difficult, because you’re thinking about the game. You’re warming up for the game and then for like a minute or two you have to see that, but it was nice and from the owner you know that was nice, and my old friends like Kyle, Nick and Tony was there. I was so happy, because Kyle, Tony and Nick was there.”

Forward Maximiliano Urruti

(Translated from Spanish to English)

On his performance getting 3 points for the team:
“It was important, because I consider 3 points very important, and I was able to convert and a great group that sadly wasn’t able to find the ball, but we did a great job.”

On getting a road win after two straight draws:
“We knew we needed another 3 points to be up there on top and truthfully for me to convert is good and it gets me energy to continue and the team helps me out a lot."

On the confidence builder by being able to score goals:
“Yeah a lot of confidence. I believe it’s was really important to be able to convert as a forward and to be in the game and get more confidence… The first one, then the second one in order to get the 3 important points, it has to be done in this way.”