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Quote Sheet: February 21, 2024

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RSL HC Pablo Mastroeni 

It felt like you guys were kind of right there in the game in the second half. You even took the lead in total shots at one point, 14 to 13. I guess what are some big takeaways despite the result you take from this game?

I think once we settled down late in the first half and started building our way into the game, I thought we did a good job of creating some opportunities.

It's always gonna be a tough start coming to Miami and I think it took a little while to get over the nerves part. But again, I think we created some really good chances on goal and in these games it’s about finishing. Tonight we just couldn't find that equalizer when we were down a goal and then obviously pushing, we kind of opened ourselves up at the end there.

But overall I thought it was a really good effort from the guys. And again, like I always say, we want to get one game better, and there's a lot of great, great things to take away from this game. There's some areas where we need to continue to work at.

Not much time to dwell on this, with a quick turnaround for the weekend game. How do you approach that?

I think it really starts with recovery and making sure that the guys recover the right way. We'll probably make a couple changes to the group so we can get some freshness in the legs, obviously just coming off a preseason.  Most of the guys, I don't think are ready to endure two 90 minute bouts so close together.

So we'll probably do that.  But then from the way we want to approach the game, it's the same way. We want to look at the film. And obviously a completely different, I mean, probably the two most distinct opponents you can play back to back. But we'll look at some film and really think about areas that we need to improve on in the way we attack and likewise in the way we defend.

I think that again, in the second half really was our energy to get pressure on the ball that afforded us a bunch of opportunities in front of goal. And I think that's the mindset that we have to start the game.

Diego cramps?

So Diego was cramping abd he asked for a sub. In a game where you're chasing the last guy, he’s the last guy you want to take off, right? But If he's asking for a sub it’s , because I  he's not in a position to contribute anymore. 

Just that depth piece is so interesting, because you guys have what is mostly a very veteran team with a lot of returners, but then you can bring in a guy like Fidel Barajas  off the bench, this 17 year old kid. 

What was it about him that, you know, in this big match like this, I think you were even tied at the other. You had a chance to tie at the time. What was it about him that he was the right move?

He showed realy well in preseason. You know, I think he's contributed to two or three goals in the preseason. He's brave.

I don't think the moment is too big for him. And so really just been his performances. It's not anything other than the way he's played and he's conducted himself. And obviously, this is a big game to come into. I thought he had some really good moments, but he'll continue to get better as the season goes on. 

What was the big difference, for you, between the first half and second half? Was it the energy, aggression, mentality?

it's only natural, right? We have a relatively young group. You're coming to Miami and you're playing against Messi, Suarez and Busquets, guys that they probably grew up watching.

So it's only human to have these types of nerves. What you realize is once you engage them with an intense mindset, they can make mistakes as well. And, and I think it's when you realize that they're human, that you end up feeling like you belong. So I think it was a natural kind of reaction to the moment and it was big and we're opening the season for Major League Soccer. 

There's a lot of eyes on us globally, so it was a big moment. But I think once we got over that hump, we started to play the kind of football we're capable of. And it's again, it's great to see, the guys overcome that.

Turning the pages of St  Louis, obviously sticking around here for a couple of days. Take advantage of the weather, recover, and then fly on Friday.

 I think the most important thing for the guys now is just recovery, right? And I think, again, I think they feel like they kind of let one get away as far as not getting a result here and getting a draw.  

I think it's the way we talk about internally. Everything's a process. You know, sometimes it goes our way. Sometimes it doesn't, but the most important thing is to be able to reflect as a group, and recover quickly. And then sometimes these games that come quickly are actually a blessing because there's not a lot of time to think about it.

So we'll confront a really aggressive ST Louis team with everything we got.

What did Noah Caliskan show you over the last six weeks that led to today?

He has been a really good preseason contributor. He's been everything that we've been wanting to do tactically, he's taking it on board.

And in particular, in our setup, our pivots are critical in their mobility, off the ball. It attracts numbers to the ball side so that then a weak side is free. And so he does a really good job of scanning, really good job of positioning to then open up the weak side. He's done a really good job in preseason, sso again, I think just on the merit basis, he is deserving of this opportunity. 

As he continues on his career, he's a player that I think can make a lot of contributions in the first team.

This is the earliest start in the history of Major League Soccer.

How much are you looking forward to just continued fitness, sharpness as we kind of play our way into the season?

I think it really takes about a month into the season where you're hitting peak performance as far as fitness, and you have four games, not preseason games, but games being played at the level that you're going to counter at the weekend.

Chicho and Pablo joined us three weeks into preseason. Andres and Nelson joined us a week left into preseason. So there's a lot of jelling to do, and that's why it's always important to take all that into consideration when you're assessing games. But again, I think overall, the effort was fantastic. 

Justen Glad

Thoughts and Takeaways on the game?

I thought we actually played pretty well.  I thought we had a lot of the ball.

Especially in the second half there and just one or two mistakes and they capitalized. So I think there's a lot to take from the game. I think it's good progress for us and we'll take everything from this game and move along to St. Louis.

You pretty much single handedly saved a messy free kick that probably would have gone in if not for your head.

What was kind of the plan going into this game on those free kicks? It seemed like you guys had the plan of hey, put some guys in front of the goal in spots where you know that you can be dangerous.

Obviously we've all seen Messi score that free kick 100 times. So  throughout the week we just, practiced it with me on the post and  maybe Chicho on the other post.

Just cause we know he's capable of putting a top corner and it's tough for a goalie to get there. So just a little extra help for Zach and it ended up going right to me.

What was it like the rest of the night defensively? Trying to hold off not only Messi, but Suarez and the other guys that just seemed like constantly, especially the first half, constantly going after you guys.

They have quality players, but I thought I actually thought we handled it pretty well. You just got to always be aware of where Messi is. He's capable of sliding those passes or taking you on the dribble, but I thought we contained him pretty well for the most part.  but obviously not quite well enough. 

Not too much time to dwell on this when you guys have another game on Saturday. How do you recover and approach such a quick turnaround like that?

Yeah, that's the beauty of it. There's another one coming up.

We take what we can from this game  and we're on to the next and hopefully next time we can get a result.

Even though it is frustrating, was Messi the difference? We all knew there was going to be a difference. Was he the difference of this game?

I mean, he was definitely part of it. He was definitely involved in their second goal. I don't know who scored the first goal. He assisted the first one. So, yeah, he's always gonna have a hand in everything. And we know that going in that speaks to his quality.

Is it somewhat of a relief to kind of get Miami just over and done with going into the next few matches? Is it somewhat of a relief to you guys? 

No, I wouldn't say so particularly. I feel like that was a game that, if we capitalize on one or two moments, then it's a different storyline.

So I don't think so, I think we were all looking forward to it, but I think the whole team here believes that we're in any game. It doesn't matter who,, so I think it was just another game for us.  

Justin, what was the difference in your opinion? Just kind of between the first half and the second half, was it just getting adjusted and then kind of just maybe being a little more settled and aggressive?

Yeah, I think we just kept the ball a little more. I think we were a little more calm in the second half. We were moving it through our midfield as opposed to around the back. I think everyone just kind of grew into the game, got a little more comfortable and allowed us to keep a little more of that possession.

We had two guys essentially make their MLS debuts tonight in Barajas and Caliskan. I guess what did you see from them maybe in the preseason that led to them getting these opportunities tonight?

They played really well preseason. They showed off for themselves. It's definitely a moment they both deserve. I have nothing but good things to say about both of them. Hopefully they enjoy that moment, cherish it and they  put their heads down and keep working and get many more moments like that. 

Just how excited are you when you get Crooks and Katranis back in. It feels like this team is super deep, you know, 27, 000 minutes coming back from last year.

This is game one of 34, so I know it's a long, long road, but how are you feeling just going into 2024?

No, I'm excited. I think we got a really good group. We have all the pieces we have, we have depth. I haven't seen Crooks that much but I'm excited to see what he can do and what he brings to the team.